Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Setup and run FTP Server on Unbuntu 14.04 LTS


Simply run the following commands to install vsftpd:

> sudo apt-get install vsftpd

Run the following commands to open the vsftpd.conf for editing:

> sudo gedit /etc/vsftpd.conf

In the vsftpd.conf, uncomment the following line:


Save and close vsftpd.conf and change the root folder:

> sudo chown root:root $HOME

Now restart the vsftpd:

> sudo service vsftpd restart

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Disable internal keyboard of a laptop running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Recently I need to use a very old laptop, which happens to have some of its internal keyboard damaged, i attached an external keyboard via usb but the internal keyboard keeps interfere with the terminal input and the GUI (possibly due to malfunction that causes some keys to be pressed permanently). Therefore, I decided to disable the internal keyboard of the laptop, and now everything works wonderfully. The way to do this is as following:

1. Open a terminal, and run the following command:

> xinput list

2. Take note of the id in the line that reads "AT Translated Set 2 Keyboard", in my laptop it is 14. Now run the following command to disable it:

> xinput float 14

By the way, to re-enable run "xinput reattach 14".